the artists listed below are also know as Moon-Fairies  because of their ability to utilize and share "moon-light". moon-light is a form of imagination magic found in the magical forest At The Moonpaper tent

The Moonpaper Tent

Sylvan Bourgette is a self taught visual and theater artist, a dream weaver, and curator of magical people, places, and things.

She spent most of her childhood day dreaming under forest tents and apple trees. In the quiet tall grass she wrote scripts for her and her sister, made art and wore dress up, and rearranged and decorated her room on a continual basis, to express and inspire. She lit candles. She danced barefoot. She read poems to the birds and the berries. She is still doing all of this.

Sylvan is the Founder and Director of The Moonpaper Tent.
She is dedicated to empowering the lives of women and youth, living equally with mankind and nature, and raising her 6 beloved children.
Her artistic endeavors and soul explorations are on-going and evolving.

She is a real fairy.

Contact Sylvan @

visit her @

sylvanfairy etsy page