W.A.M!   Word~ Art ~Magic   

Pre-Teen  Grades 6-8

Ask about our next session!

once a week Typically 5:30-8:30

Cost: $65 per class or Package Deals

Autumn Theme:  "Harvest"

10/24 ~ Word: "Gather" Art:  paint a still life of the things you gather

11/7 ~ Word: "Build" Art: construct a home out of natural products

11/21 ~ Word: "Fortify" Art: concoct a loose tea to boost your mind and body

12/5 ~ Word: "Collect" Art: create a mini collection of tools & friends from clay

12/19 ~ Word: "Burrow"  Art:  ink and watercolor your burrow for Winter

safely and creatively explore :
healthy communication

self worth


body awareness







holistic living

connections to nature


self care

compassion for ourselves

friends, our community, and the world.

"W.A.M!"   "Word~Art~Magic"    WondeRing Empowerment Circles for youth and adults

The Moonpaper Tent

So often our imagination and dreams are threatened by internal doubt, societal pressure, life changes, or personal trauma. It is common for us to lose touch with ourselves as well as our healthy connections to family, friends and the wider community. WAM! helps us navigate life's ups and downs through creative writing/journaling, arts and crafts, sharing, and peaceful ritual. WAM! is a fun and safe place to creatively express ourselves with few limits and no obligations.